Compiled Rogue
A Craft CMS Development Agency

Craft CMS and Its Growing Popularity

Craft CMS is a modern and flexible platform favored for delivering optimal digital experiences, quickly emerging as a preferred alternative to mainstream CMS solutions.

Enterprise Collaborations
with Sumo Logic

Our collaboration with Sumo Logic underlines our knack for crafting technically precise solutions tailored for industry leaders.

Our Pioneering Project
with NS1 (An IBM Company)

Teaming up with NS1 showcased our adaptability and expertise, reaffirming our status as top-tier Craft CMS developers.

Sprig: Blending
Aesthetics and Functionality

Our work with Sprig is a testament to our capability to merge cutting-edge design with robust functionality, ensuring an unmatched user experience.

What is Craft CMS?

Understanding Craft CMS and Content Management Systems

At its core, a content management system (CMS) is a software platform that allows users to create, manage, and modify content on a website without needing extensive technical knowledge. CMS platforms act as the bridge between raw code and the user-friendly interface we interact with. Craft CMS takes this concept and elevates it. Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, Craft offers a bespoke experience, granting developers and designers a flexible and intuitive framework to build customized digital experiences.

Benefits and Unique Selling Points of Craft CMS

  1. Tailored Flexibility: Craft CMS is not bound by rigid templates. Instead, it allows developers to create content structures suited to individual project needs, ensuring each website is as unique as its content.
  2. Enhanced Performance: With a streamlined code base and efficient templating, sites built on Craft CMS typically load faster and run more smoothly than their counterparts.
  3. User-friendly Interface: Craft’s control panel is intuitive, making content updates and site management easy even for those without technical backgrounds.
  4. Highly Secure: Craft CMS takes security seriously. Regular updates, a strong foundational code, and best-in-class security protocols make it a reliable choice for businesses.
  5. Extensibility: From eCommerce to SEO optimizations, Craft can seamlessly integrate with various plugins and tools, ensuring businesses have the tools they need as they grow.

Craft CMS and WordPress are both robust platforms, but Craft offers distinct advantages that cater to specific developer and business needs.

Craft CMS vs. WordPress
While WordPress has themes and plugins, Craft CMS shines in its ability to allow developers to create truly tailored digital experiences without being boxed into preset templates.
Craft CMS is designed with security in mind. Its regular updates and stringent security measures often surpass WordPress, ensuring data integrity and reducing vulnerability.
Craft CMS's streamlined code base means faster load times and efficient execution. In comparison to some WordPress sites, which can become bloated, Craft ensures a smooth user experience.
Unlike the standard post and page structures in WordPress, Craft CMS allows developers to define their own content types and relations, enhancing content management.
Craft's control panel is intuitive and uncluttered, designed for ease of use. While WordPress's dashboard can be overwhelming, Craft provides a simplified, user-friendly approach.
Craft CMS, though newer, has a rapidly growing ecosystem of plugins. Unlike WordPress, which can sometimes struggle with plugin compatibility, Craft ensures seamless integrations.
Craft CMS is built with developers in mind. It provides a more refined and flexible toolkit than WordPress, making it easier to craft bespoke web solutions.
Less Bloat
Craft CMS starts lean, only adding what you need. In contrast, WordPress often comes with unnecessary functionalities, potentially slowing down sites.
Craft CMS Features

Craft CMS has been recognized for its distinct features that cater to both developers and content managers alike.

Matrix Field

Explanation & Benefits: The Matrix Field allows developers to create block-type content structures. Users can then mix and match these blocks to build out flexible and varied content layouts. This ensures every page can have a unique layout without the need for additional development.

Live Preview

Explanation & Benefits: Craft’s Live Preview feature lets content creators see changes in real-time as they update content. This eliminates the guesswork, ensuring that each change aligns with the creator's vision before it goes live.

Multi-Site Capabilities

Explanation & Benefits: Craft CMS allows you to run multiple sites from a single Craft installation. This is invaluable for businesses with different locales or brands, streamlining site management without compromising customization.

Custom Field Types

Explanation & Benefits: Beyond standard fields, Craft CMS enables the creation of bespoke field types. This means content structures can be tailor-made to fit the exact needs of a project.

Built-in Image Editor

Explanation & Benefits: Craft's integrated image editor lets users crop, rotate, and perform basic image edits directly within the CMS. This negates the need for external software for simple edits, making content updates more efficient.

Localization & Translation

Explanation & Benefits: Craft CMS supports multi-language content, making it perfect for businesses catering to a global audience. This ensures content resonates with each target audience, regardless of language or region.

Content Relationships

Explanation & Benefits: Craft’s Relations field type allows content to be interlinked. Whether linking related articles or cross-referencing products, this boosts site navigation and enhances the user journey.

Modular Content Architecture

Explanation & Benefits: Craft’s architecture is built on a component-based system, allowing developers to reuse modules across sites. This speeds up development while maintaining design consistency.

Robust Plugin Store

Explanation & Benefits: Craft CMS boasts a growing repository of high-quality plugins. These extend the functionality of the platform, ensuring the CMS evolves with the ever-changing digital landscape.

Developer Perspective

These features, coupled with Craft's commitment to performance, flexibility, and security, make it a compelling choice for modern web development needs.

- Michael Sablone


Compiled Rogue’s Craft CMS Services


Craft Plugin Development

Compiled Rogue's expertise shines in Craft CMS plugin development. Our crowning achievement? The creation of a bespoke module for static hosting on SumoLogic, enhancing performance and user interaction.

Sumo Logic

Custom Web Development & Front-end Engineering

A website should be more than just visually appealing. Compiled Rogue specializes in tailored solutions that promise responsive designs and a top-notch user experience, ensuring every interaction on the site is seamless, intuitive, and engaging.



New Website Builds

At Compiled Rogue, we harness Craft CMS's flexibility and intuitive framework for new website builds, ensuring a tailored digital presence that aligns with brand values and meets unique business needs.

Site Redesigns

Considering a site redesign? It's the perfect juncture to migrate to Craft CMS. With Compiled Rogue's expertise, the transition is seamless, providing a rejuvenated platform that's both adaptable and user-centric.

Migration to Craft CMS

Migration to Craft CMS is a game-changer. Compiled Rogue aids in leveraging Craft's benefits like enhanced performance and modular content structures. However, one must consider domain mapping, URL redirects, and data integrity during the transition.

eCommerce Websites

Craft CMS excels in creating dynamic eCommerce sites. While its native eCommerce capabilities may have some limitations, integrations like Craft Commerce provide robust solutions. Despite this, the flexibility and security it offers, combined with its seamless integration with plugins like Stripe and PayPal, make it a viable contender in the eCommerce space.

Craft CMS Support & Maintenance

Compiled Rogue provides continuous Craft CMS support, ensuring your site remains up-to-date, secure, and performing at its peak. Our comprehensive maintenance services are built on a foundation of proactive monitoring and swift resolutions.

Websites for Startups

Startups require a digital presence that can scale and adapt. Compiled Rogue crafts websites on Craft CMS tailored for startups, ensuring flexibility, scalability, and a user-centric design that resonates with the target audience.

Unlock unparalleled Craft CMS solutions with Compiled Rogue's seasoned expertise. Let's elevate your digital presence together.

Why We're Different
Decades of experience ensure top-tier Craft CMS solutions.
Delivering on promises; every project on-time and on-budget.
Cutting-edge techniques paired with forward-thinking strategies.
More than a service; we're your digital ally.
Clients That Love Us

Why Choose Compiled Rogue as Your Craft CMS Agency?

In the digital realm, experience matters. At Compiled Rogue, we've honed our expertise over years, positioning ourselves at the forefront of Craft CMS development. Our team, comprising seasoned professionals, ensures that each project not only aligns with but also surpasses client expectations. Commitment is our hallmark – every endeavor is meticulously planned and executed to be on-time and within budget. Our reputation as a trusted Craft CMS agency isn’t just founded on our technical prowess but on our unwavering dedication to client success. Choose Compiled Rogue, and you're not just choosing a service; you're securing a partnership for digital excellence.

Mike Greeves, Sumo Logic

Compiled Rogue are trusted experts and trusted partners. They rounded out our internal team’s capabilities and filled gaps.

Brynne Burgess

Compiled Rogue is an extension of our team and it feels like they have our company’s best interests at heart. It’s a great thing to have in a contractor.

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