Rick Applegarth



As a seasoned web developer, I bring a strong mix of skills in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (including jQuery), and PHP. I specialize in creating well-structured, responsive web layouts, with a solid understanding of SEO principles, cross-browser compatibility, and accessibility standards. My PHP skills extend to creating efficient server-side applications with a good grasp of object-oriented programming and security best practices. I am adept at integrating third-party APIs using REST and SOAP protocols. My experience also encompasses WordPress development, including theme and plugin creation, and website optimization. My design skills include using Adobe Creative Cloud for crafting visually appealing user interfaces and editing images. Continually eager to embrace new technologies, I am a reliable web developer with a comprehensive skill set.

Professional Skills

Programming Languages and Frameworks:

  • HTML5: Mastery in creating well-structured, semantic web documents and responsive layouts. Understanding of SEO principles, accessibility standards and cross-browser compatibility.
  • CSS3: Proficient in crafting clean and scalable stylesheets, utilizing advanced features such as Flexbox, Grid, and CSS variables. Understanding of pre-processors like Sass and Less.
  • JavaScript and jQuery: Proficient in ES6 and jQuery for fast and concise JavaScript coding, asynchronous programming, event handling, DOM manipulation, and animation.
  • PHP and Twig with MVC: In-depth knowledge of PHP for creating efficient server-side applications. Familiarity with PHP 7.0 and higher, object-oriented programming, and security best practices. Proficiency in using the Twig template engine for effective server-side rendering and template inheritance. Experience with the implementation of the Model-View-Controller design pattern in PHP.
  • APIs: Experience in integrating third-party APIs using REST and SOAP protocols. Understanding of web services.

Content Management Systems:

  • WordPress: Extensive experience in WordPress development, including theme and plugin development, and website optimization. Understanding of WP-API.


  • Adobe Suite: Experience in Adobe Creative Cloud, including Photoshop, Illustrator, XD for designing visually appealing user interfaces and editing images.

Database Management:

  • MySQL: Solid understanding of relational database management with MySQL. Experience in database design, writing complex SQL queries, optimization, and backup & recovery.

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